Luister naar Radio Veronica voor de beste muziek ooit gemaakt. Van de jaren zestig tot nu. Radio Veronica is De Bonanza met Rob Stenders en Caroline Brouwer
Radio Veronica is een Nederlandse commerciële radiozender van Talpa Radio, die voornamelijk pop- en rockmuziek van de jaren 80 van de 20e eeuw en later
The original Radio Veronica became the most popular station in the Netherlands. It broadcast from a former lightship Borkum Riff anchored off the Dutch coastline. The ship was fitted with a horizontal antenna between the fore and aft masts, fed by a one-kilowatt transmitter. Most of its programmes were recorded in a studio on the Zeedijk in Hilversum. At the end of the 1960s the studios and offices moved to bigger premises on the Utrechtseweg in Hilversum.